MUBI Brief Concept

'Help film-lovers swap endless searching for instant satisfaction with a scene-stealing idea for MUBI'

I have called my concept CLUB MUBI where I am attempting to convey cinema clubs online. The idea is to let users decide which club is perfect for them, each club has its own particular preference on films, this is based of data collected through asking short questions and social media. 

In each club there are still 30 films just like the original MUBI, but they are related to that specific clubs favourite genre, actors, music etc. Members can vote for the films they want to see most which MUBI have added to the 'feed', but members can also vote for films they and others post to a 'community feed' to make the film choice more diverse and interesting. 

To start your own club you must have been a member for at least 6 months, others can only join clubs. Users are limited to creating one club and can join up to 3. 

How is this shortening users search time to find the perfect film?
My concept is using a time where networking is prevalent to its advantage, by finding other users with similar film interests and pairing them up to assist each other in finding the ideal film. It also introduces users to new content they may have never seen before. When users sign in they can choose one of their clubs that suits their particular liking that day, instead of sifting through every film on the main page. The rating system also helps separate the good from the bad, where 'TOP PICKS' will feature in each club showing the most up-voted films for the day. The community feed brings in new content that as a club people can decide on, giving them more scope of what they want to see. 

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